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12 Pilem Pondok Lebaran Anu Pikaseurieun pikeun Marathon Peuting ieu!



Ieu mangrupikeun wengi karesep urang taun, sareng kami nuju ngagungkeun ku nyayogikeun penggemar horor anu dipikacinta daptar tina pilem pondok Lebaran anu pikasieuneun pikeun marathon! Naha anjeun nyebarkeun permén, ngagaduhan réréncangan kanggo wengi pilem anu pikasieuneun, atanapi ngagulung sareng lalaki khusus atanapi ghoul sareng sakotak popcorn, kami nampi anjeun wengi ayeuna.

Maka pasang kostum anjeun, ngukir sababaraha waluh, sareng émut ... teras parios permén anjeun. Ieu daptar pilem pondok Lebaran pikeun masihan anjeun liburan.

Skypemare (2013)

Bumi wengi anu bosen Alison nyalira dina Lebaran janten langkung pikasieuneun tibatan anjeunna nawar nalika anjeunna ningali aya anu lurking di tukang nalika nelepon Skype sareng babaturanana. Ngubaran horor ku panulis / sutradara John Fitzpatrick ieu ngagaduhan sababaraha trik dina leungeun baju na.

Suckablood (2012)

Pilem Berdarah Getih ' Darah sedot mangrupikeun dongéng anu pikaseurieun, seram anu diarahkeun ku Ben Tillett ngeunaan monster anu ngahukum jelema anu bangor pikeun nguseup jempolna. Latar tempat Gothic, cariosan sapertos dongeng, sareng hiji crone lami anu serem, jahat ngajantenkeun pondok anu cemerlang ieu kedah ditonton di Lebaran!

Aranjeunna Hirup Di Dalam Urang (2015)

Upami anjeun masih kesel éta Lebaran henteu pernah dijantenkeun franchise antologi liburan saatos pilem katilu, teras Michael Ballif Usum Dukun séri parantos anjeun tutup! Dina entri ieu, panulis nyéépkeun wengi di bumi angker pikeun kéngingkeun inspirasi pikeun carita saterasna, tapi anjeunna panginten henteu hirup ningali éta réngsé. Parios saluran Ballif pikeun langkung seueur pilem pondok Lebaran!

The Ten Steps (2004)

Singkat horor nostalgia diréktur Brendan Muldowney karasaeun épisode leungit tina Naha Anjeun Sieun ku Gelap. Pemadaman listrik maksa budak awéwé rumaja turun pikeun milarian kotak sekering di kolong bumi énggalna dimana legenda lokal nyarios yén setan dipikanyaho muncul. Panyangka anu pikasieuneun lalaunan ngageleser nalika anjeunna turun ka kolong nyobian nungkulan kasieunana. Anu hiji ieu bakal ngajantenkeun anjeun rumaos murangkalih dina Lebaran deui.

House Call (2011)

Hiji awéwé ngabunuh salakina anu kasar pikeun janten lalaki anu sanés, tapi anjeunna henteu ngandelkeun kedah ngatasi kutukan ti indung ipar anu dendam. Fans anu gaduh The Jahat Dead dina daptar marathon Lebaran maranéhna unggal taun bakal resep ka Erik Wilson Telepon Imah. Horor slapstick bakal nempatkeun seuri dina rupa fans Sam Raimi.

Peuting tina Slasher (2015)

Catetan cinta Shant Hamassian kana pilem slasher klasik turun kana daptar periksa dosa horor (sacara harfiah), sareng nyarioskeun dongeng sadar diri anu bakal ngajantenkeun genre buff seuri tina ceuli kana ceuli. Pilem pondok Lebaran anu gancang ieu bakal ngajantenkeun anjeun nganggo jahitan kalayan répikasi horor, gaya, sareng layanan kipas taun 80-an anu dijantenkeun waktos 11 menit na.

Teruskeun ka halaman 2!

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

kaca: 1 2

Harita pilem

Panic Fest 2024 Review: ‘Never Hike Alone 2’



There are fewer icons more recognizable than the slasher. Freddy Krueger. Michael Myers. Victor Crowley. Notorious killers who always seem to come back for more no matter how many times they are slain or their franchises seemingly put to a final chapter or nightmare. And so it seems that even some legal disputes cannot stop one of the most memorable movie murderers of all: Jason Voorhees!

Following the events of the first Pernah leumpang nyalira, outdoorsman and YouTuber Kyle McLeod (Drew Leighty) has been hospitalized after his encounter with the long thought dead Jason Voorhees, saved by perhaps the hockey masked killer’s greatest adversary Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews) who now currently works as an EMT around Crystal Lake. Still haunted by Jason, Tommy Jarvis struggles to find a sense of stability and this latest encounter is pushing him to end the reign of Voorhees once and for all…

Pernah leumpang nyalira made a splash online as a well shot and thoughtful fan film continuation of the classic slasher franchise that was built up with the snowbound follow up Never Hike In The Snow and now climaxing with this direct sequel. It’s not only an incredible Jumaah Éta 13th love letter, but a well thought out and entertaining epilogue of sorts to the infamous ‘Tommy Jarvis Trilogy’ from within the franchise that encapsulated Jumaah Bagian ka-13 IV: Bab Pamungkas, Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning, sarta Jumaah Bagian 13 VI: Jason Hirup. Even getting some of the original cast back as their characters to continue the tale! Thom Mathews being the most prominent as Tommy Jarvis, but with other series casting like Vincent Guastaferro returning as now Sheriff Rick Cologne and still having a bone to pick with Jarvis and the mess around Jason Voorhees. Even featuring some Jumaah Éta 13th alumni like Bagéan III‘s Larry Zerner as the mayor of Crystal Lake!

On top of that, the movie delivers on kills and action. Taking turns that some of the previous fils never got the chance to deliver on. Most prominently, Jason Voorhees going on a rampage through Crystal Lake proper when he slices his way through a hospital! Creating a nice throughline of the mythology of Jumaah Éta 13th, Tommy Jarvis and the cast’s trauma, and Jason doing what he does best in the most cinematically gory ways possible.

nu Pernah leumpang nyalira films from Womp Stomp Films and Vincente DiSanti are a testament to the fanbase of Jumaah Éta 13th and the still enduring popularity of those films and of Jason Voorhees. And while officially, no new movie in the franchise is on the horizon for the foreseeable future, at the very least there is some comfort knowing fans are willing to go to these lengths to fill the void.

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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Sintreuk Vampir Anyar "Daging Dewata" Bakal Dibéntangan Kristen Stewart sareng Oscar Isaac




80s nostalgia is still going strong in the horror community. As proof of this, Panos Cosmatos (Mandy) is developing a new 80s themed vampire film. However, unlike some of the other nostalgia bait films that have come out recently, Flesh of the Gods is packing some serious talent.

First, the film is written by the legendaris Andrew Kevin Walker (Se7en). If that wasn’t enough, the film will star Oscar Ishak (Moon Knight) jeung Kristen Stewart (di jero cai).

Kristen Stewart
Oscar Isaac, Flesh of the Gods article

macem gives us a glimpse into the story line, stating that: “Flesh of the Gods is set in glittering ’80s L.A., where married couple Raoul (Oscar Isaac) and Alex (Kristen Stewart) each evening descend from their luxury skyscraper condo and head into the city’s electric nighttime realm. When they cross paths with a mysterious and enigmatic figure known as Nameless and her hard-partying cabal, the pair are seduced into a glamorous, surrealistic world of hedonism, thrills and violence.”

Cosmatos offers his own opinion of the film. “Like Los Angeles itself, ‘Flesh of the Gods’ inhabits the liminal realm between fantasy and nightmare. Both propulsive and hypnotic, ‘Flesh’ will take you on a hot rod joy ride deep into the glittering heart of hell.”

nu ngasilkeun adam mckay (Entong Milarian) seems to also be excited about The Flesh of the Gods. “This director, this writer, these incredible actors, vampires, choice ’80s punk, style and attitude for miles… that’s the film we’re bringing you today. We think it’s wildly commercial and wildly artful. Our ambitions are to make a movie that ripples through popular culture, fashion, music and film. Can you tell how excited I am?”

Flesh of the Gods is set to begin filming later this year. It will launch at Cannes jeung WME Independent, CAA Media Finance, sarta Pilem XYZ. The Flesh of the Gods does not currently have a release date.

Sakitu inpormasi anu urang gaduh dina waktos ieu. Pastikeun parios deui ka dieu pikeun langkung seueur warta sareng apdet.

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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The Pope's Exorcist Resmi Ngumumkeun Sekuel Anyar



Diusir Paus mangrupa salah sahiji film éta ngan senang lalajo. Ieu sanes pilem paling pikasieuneun sabudeureun, tapi aya hal ngeunaan Russel Gagak (Gladiator) maén imam Katolik cracking wijaksana nu ngan karasaeun katuhu.

Permata layar sigana satuju jeung assessment ieu, sabab geus ngan sacara resmi ngumumkeun éta Diusir Paus sequel aya dina karya. Ieu masuk akal yén Screen Gems bakal hoyong tetep franchise ieu jalan, tempo pilem munggaran sieun nepi ampir $80 juta kalawan anggaran ngan $18 juta.

Diusir Paus
Diusir Paus

Numutkeun kana Gagak, malah meureun aya a Diusir Paus trilogy dina karya. Sanajan kitu, parobahan panganyarna jeung studio mungkin geus ditunda pilem katilu. Dijero calik kalawan The Six O'Clock Show, Gagak masihan pernyataan di handap ngeunaan proyék éta.

“Muhun éta dina diskusi ayeuna. Produser mimitina meunang kick off ti studio teu ngan pikeun hiji sequel tapi pikeun dua. Tapi ayeuna parantos robih kapala studio, janten éta lumangsung dina sababaraha bunderan. Tapi pasti pisan, lalaki. Kami nyetél karakter éta yén anjeun tiasa nyandak anjeunna kaluar sareng nempatkeun anjeunna dina seueur kaayaan anu béda.

gagak ogé parantos nyatakeun yén bahan sumber pilem ngalibatkeun dua belas buku anu misah. Ieu bakal ngamungkinkeun studio nyandak carita dina sagala jinis arah. Kalayan seueur bahan sumberna, Diusir Paus malah bisa nandingan Alam Semesta Conjuring.

Ngan mangsa nu bakal datang bakal ngabejaan naon jadi tina Diusir Paus. Tapi sakumaha biasa, langkung horor mangrupikeun hal anu saé.

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

Dangukeun 'Eye On Horror Podcast'

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